Eric Gourlan

Eric Gourlan. Member of the NCU since 2011. Based in Tbilisi, Georgia

Member of the NCU since 2011
Based in Tbilisi, Georgia


Eric Gourlan was born in 1968 in the town of Lunel (southern France).
1990-93 — photographer at the Professional Studio Ceas de Hond (Paris).
1992-00 — professor of professional photography (Paris). He had been teaching special techniques for publicity and reportage as well as techniques for developing black and white pictures in the laboratory. Further the main subject was technology for sensitometry and zone systems.
1994-99 — Eric had been working as an art/technical/industrial photographer for Louis Vuitton — Dior — Clarins — Chanel — Castel-Paris.
1998-00 — pedagogical assistant to the Director of the photography school.
2000-02 — freelance photographer. Expedition took 17 months covering the Baltic States, Russia, Kazakhstan, Russia (particular in Siberia) and Mongolia. Result of travelling — reportage 'People and Landscapes'.
Eric has been focusing on reporting from various parts of the world. He has been working with institutions, international and national agencies on human rights and the conditions of minorities.
Since 2003 — photographer for specific events of OSCE.
Since 2011 — member of the Noga Creative Union.
Since 2013 — photographer for specific events of UN.

​​Awards & Honors

2010 — Winner of the international competition Tolerance and Transparency.
2003 — 1st Prize of the Grand Prix Hasselblad.
1998 — 1st Prize of Kodak-Professionnel (laureate, best young photographer 1998 in the category reportage).
1997 — 1st Prize of the Magazine Reponse Photo in the category reportage.
1996 — 1st Prize of Tetenal-Photographie.


2021 NCU 15 years old, VI International festival of photography 'Fotokrok' named Sigismund Yurkovsky, Vitebsk Center of the Modern Art, Vitebsk, Belarus.
2013 Colours from Inside, Museum of Fine Arts, Osh, Kyrgyzstan.
2013 On the light party, National Arts Museum Iso, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
2012 Bishkek in motion, Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria
2012 La nuit de la photo (The night of the photo), Vannes, Auray, France.
2011 Les murs de la ville (The city walls), Auray, France.
2010 High Level Conference on Tolerance, Hofburg, Vena, Austria; Astana, Kazakhstan.
2008 — International Women’s Day exhibition in Bishkek, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
2007 Labelle, Museum National Modern Art, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
2006 Views of Chatyr Kul, Naryn, Kyrgyzstan.
2006 Street Children, Museum National Modern Art, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
2005 Datsan Ivolginski — Buddha in Siberia, Vena, Austria.
2005 No entry, no exit, OSCE Economic Forum, Prague, Czech Republic.
2005 The people of Mongolia, Hofburg, Vena, Austria.
2005 Colourful lives in Kyrgyzstan (Laws of revolution), Hofburg, Vena, Austria.
2004 Travel — passion and encounter, Austria, St. Ulrich.
2003 Women in the Caucasus, Warsaw, Poland; Yerevan, Armenia; Georgia, Tbilisi; Baku, Azerbaijan.
2001 Visa pour l’image, Kodak exhibition, Perpignian, France.
2000 D’Asie ou d’ailleurs! (People in South Asia), Paris, France.
1999 Life of people in Galicia, Paris, Evry, France.
1998 People in Romania, Amien, France.
1997 Yugoslavia after the war, Paris, France.
1996 Musicales (Musical instruments), Paris, France.
1994 Image d’Irlande (Fishermen in Ireland), Orsay, France.
1993 Psychiatric Milieu, Vosves, France.
1992 People in Catalonia, Paris, France.
1992 Airplanes and Art, Reins, France.
1991 Paris by night, Paris, France.

Eric Gourlan / Bio. Noga Creative Union