
Misha Maslennikov

According to modern standards of active successful growth passion for photography came to me pretty late in life. I have reached the acme (anc.-greek ακμή) age of 40, and my vision of the world has completed its formation from both, the aesthetic and visual, as well as spiritual and moral standpoints. That’s why everything that can be seen in my works is not a search of an artistic path or of a creative expression, but a pursuit to fill the frame with self-contained semantic load using visual methods available to my artistic education.  

© Misha Maslennikov / The Don Steppe

The Don Steppe

111 photos

© Misha Maslennikov / Kolodozero: Call of the Heart

Kolodozero: Call of the Heart

39 photos

© Misha Maslennikov / Altai: The Lost Universe

Altai: The Lost Universe

30 photos

© Misha Maslennikov / Chukotka: Land of Loneliness

Chukotka is a land of loneliness

55 photos

© isha Maslennikov / The Volga-Viatka earth

The Volga-Viatka earth

15 photos
