Pavlos Kozalidis is a 19th photo documentarian, colleague, like-minded traveller and friend of our team…

Meet a new NCU member and a great traveller seeking and finding the meaning of life in photography.   

“Visually, I have 35 years of the past world,” Pavlos explains. As the sheer volume of his output suggests, photography is an obsession for Kozalidis. Besides China, he has photographed in nearly 80 countries, including in South and Central America, Africa, India and Greece. In one of his most ambitious and still not quite complete projects, he has followed the trail of Alexander the Great through the Eastern Mediterranean, Egypt, the Middle East and parts of Asia, “looking for ghosts.” Very little of that work has seen the public light. (From an article by Harry Van Versendaal)

Pavlos Kozalidis / New member 2023. Noga Creative Union

China: The House of Butterflies

From 1989 to 2012, Pavlos Kozalidis took frequent trips to China, in search of its culture, its people and everyday life, as well as remnants of the Cultural Revolution. The title of the first series on the NCU China: The House of Butterflies, is owed to a visit Kozalidis paid to the home of a Chinese classmate in Vancouver, Canada, where he had just moved with his family. There, thousands of boxes of butterflies adorned every room in the house, and a portrait of Mao dominated from high above, creating the impression that he is watching everything that takes place within. That was the beginning of Kozalidis’ relationship of love and respect with the culture and people of China, which lasted for more than thirty years. The photographs that have been carefully selected from a huge volume of work provide an opportunity to meander through the fascinating and full of contrasts world of China.

Pavlos Kozalidis / New member 2023. Noga Creative Union


Pavlos Kozalidis / New member 2023. Noga Creative Union

Manuel Almenares

Please welcome our new NCU member. Manuel Almenares Estrada was born in 1992 in Havana, the capital of Cuba. Based...
Pavlos Kozalidis / New member 2023. Noga Creative Union

Paulo Nunes

Please welcome our new NCU member. Paulo Nunes was born in 1977 in the city of Lisbon, Portugal. Based in Lisbon,...
Pavlos Kozalidis / New member 2023. Noga Creative Union

Ragnar Axelsson

Please welcome our new NCU member. Ragnar Guðni Axelsson, also known as RAX was born in 1958 in Reykjavík, the...
Pavlos Kozalidis / New member 2023. Noga Creative Union

Raúl Cañibano

Please welcome our new NCU member. Raúl Cañibano Ercilla was born in 1961 in Havana, the capital of Cuba. Based...
Pavlos Kozalidis / New member 2023. Noga Creative Union

Dmitriy Cherba

Please welcome our new NCU member. Dmitriy Cherba was born in 1987, in the railway town of Uzlovaya, in the east...
Pavlos Kozalidis / New member 2023. Noga Creative Union

Bielsko-Biała 2021

'The Don Steppe' 8 — 24 October, 2021 The Centre for Photography Foundation, within the framework of the 9. Foto Art...
Pavlos Kozalidis / New member 2023. Noga Creative Union

Vitebsk 2021

'NCU is 15 years old' 23 — 27 June, 2021 Noga Creative Union presents an anniversary exhibition of documentary...
Pavlos Kozalidis / New member 2023. Noga Creative Union

Odessa 2020

'The Thin Line' 21 August — 4 September, 2020 Noga Creative Union, within the framework of the Thin Line Photo...
Pavlos Kozalidis / New member 2023. Noga Creative Union

Vitebsk 2020

'Odessa: Photos 1985' / 'New York before and after' 25 June — 5 July, 2020 Noga Creative Union, during the Covid-19...
Pavlos Kozalidis / New member 2023. Noga Creative Union

Oleg Videnin

Please welcome our new NCU member. Oleg Videnin was born in 1963 in Bryansk, USSR. Based in Bryansk, Russia.
Pavlos Kozalidis / New member 2023. Noga Creative Union

Odessa 2020

'Odessa: Photos from 1985' 15 February — 6 March, 2020 Noga Creative Union and Paparazzi Photo Salon present...
Pavlos Kozalidis / New member 2023. Noga Creative Union

Odessa 2019

'India: Dreaming of Varanasi' 14 — 30 June, 2019 Noga Creative Union presents an exhibition of black and white...
Pavlos Kozalidis / New member 2023. Noga Creative Union

Sergey Nikolaev

Please welcome our new NCU member. Sergey Nikolaev was born in 1957 in Dnepropetrovsk in the east of Ukraine. Based...
Pavlos Kozalidis / New member 2023. Noga Creative Union

Tartu 2019

'Chukotka is a land of loneliness' 4 February — 7 March, 2019 Noga Creative Union and the group OVER present...
Pavlos Kozalidis / New member 2023. Noga Creative Union

Alexander Shchemliaev

Please welcome our new NCU member. Alexander Shchemlyaev, born Dubrovin, was born in 1956 in the Nanai camp...