From her first steps in photography, Tatiana Plotnikova announced herself as a young and talented author, noticed not only by the professional community in her country, but also far beyond its borders. Several expressive and heartfelt stories have appeared on the pages of periodicals and in the exhibition space, attracting the attention of specialists by their original manner of performance, thoughtful approach to the topic covered and utmost sincerity. It seems that Plotnikova is not afraid of anything: neither frost, nor difficulties, nor distorted interpretations, personifying a real woman combined with the authenticity of a documentary photographer.
On the anniversary of the formation day of the union — 12 December, we are pleased to present Tatiana as a full member of the NCU.
Mari: The Last Pagans of Europe
The debut series “Mari: The Last Pagans of Europe”, chosen by Tatiana to be presented on the NCU, is a story about the stable connection of time, about a belief transmitted orally and in rituals, and therefore centred on the primordial symbiosis of natural phenomena, their essential perception and the inner movement of the human soul in unbroken unity with the surrounding world.

Kristof Huf

Pavlos Kozalidis

Manuel Almenares

Paulo Nunes

Ragnar Axelsson

Raúl Cañibano

Dmitriy Cherba

Bielsko-Biała 2021

Vitebsk 2021

Odessa 2020

Vitebsk 2020

Oleg Videnin

Odessa 2020

Odessa 2019